Call for Proposals - Addressing Economic and Social Inequalities through Financial Innovation (Local Currency Focus)

Please provide the full legal name and form of your institution (name, legal form)

Please provide the name of your main contact person for this CfP (surname, first name)

Please provide the e-mail address of your main contact person

Please provide the full phone number of your main contact person (including the country code (+XX)

Please provide the title of your proposed financial innovation

Please select the primary SDGs that your financial innovation is targeting (you can select multiple SDGs)

Please indicate the geographical target region(s) of your financial innovation (you can select multiple regions). Please note that solutions must exclusively focus on the DAC list of ODA countries.

Is your proposed solution a financial innovation?

Please select the most applicable intended use of the grant funds for your project:

Please specify the grant category that best aligns with your proposed financial innovation.For further explanations, please view the Stage 1 document.

What would be your preferred grant structure?

Does your proposed financial innovation target the local currency challenge?

Please state below your requested minimum and maximum SIFI Grant amount (in CHF):

Please upload your Expression of Interest document (PDF, max 10 MB)

Below you can upload your pitchdeck - this is optional and will not be part of the evaluation (PDF, max 10 MB)

Need Help?

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us using the contact details below: